Holotropic Breathwork Retreat
During these weekend you will have the opportunity to dive deep into your inner self in a journey of self-disvovery, where you will experience a variety of holotropic breathwork sessions®.
This breathing technique was developed by the psychiatrist Stanislav Grof, co founder of Transpersonal Psychology as a form of consciousness exploration. Ultimately, an effective experiential combination of relaxation, rapid breathing, music, body-work, therapeutic art and group dynamic.
The holotropic breathwork is a highly transformational and revealing method, that activates our inner wisdom, our inner self regenerator mechanism. Allowing us to access different and deeper experiences such as re-living our own biography, perinatal memories and transpersonal experiences, allowing our counsciesness to experience different realities and states of mind helping to heal old traumas and behavioral patterns.
Join us in this Journey of Self Discovery!
We have english translator for this retreat
About Facilitator
Rui Sebők Bizarro
After several years of learning in Portugal, Spain and other cultures as the Amazon jungle of Brazil, Peru, USA and India, has been touched by different teachers, masters and facilitators whom so much taught and facilitated his process of self-knowledge and transformation. His intention is to share what has been experienced all over these years and to contribute for the self-realization of the human being.
Founder of Projeto SimplesMente in 2006, a project focused on the realization of activities related to personal and transpersonal development.
He is living in Portugal, Tomar at Quinta de São José dos Montes since 2012 developing different areas such as Agro-Tourism, Glamping, Organic Farm, Natural Horse Riding and Holistic Center.
· Degree in Social Psychology and Work;
. Master in Psychology of Health and Community Intervention;
· Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator certified by Grof Transpersonal Training in New Mexico – USA
· Biodynamic Breathwork Facilitator certified by Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release in Pune – India
· Ritual Trance Dance Facilitator certified by the International Trance Dance in Orval – Belgium
. Leader of A.U.M. (Awerness Understanding Meditation) certified by Osho Humaniversity School for Masters in the Netherlands
. Osho Active Meditations leader certified by Osho Meditation Facilitator Training in Pune – India
. Leader of Meditation in Silence
. Firewalking Instructor certified by Firewalk Instructor Training – Soul of Firewalk in Tomar Potugal
Comfortable clothes
Swimwear (pool or river)
Blindfold (if you have one)
Bottle of water (to fill)
Earlybird 190€ till August 1st
Regular price after August 2nd 250€
Check In: Friday 5pm – September 8th
Check Out: Sunday 7pm – September 10th
Plus Accommodation (included the meals):
55€ Camping
95€ Dorm
100€ Sharing Yurt
150€ Individual Yurt
100€ Sharing Bell Tent
150€ Individual Bell Tent
115 Sharing Room Main House
175€ Individual Room Main House
120€ Sharing Dome (Private WC)
190 Individual Dome (Private WC)
120€ Sharing Apartment
190€ Individual Apartment
To make the Registration we ask 50€ deposit.
These rates include the price of the Retreat, Accommodation and Vegetarian Food.
Quinta São José dos Montes – Tomar
It is allowed to use the pool and the river
Contacts and Info
939 940 591
917 935 392